
The 4 Best Ways to Take Care of Your Kayak

Reading Time: 6 minutes You went kayaking with some friends and decided you like the sport. You went out and bought a nice new beautiful kayak. Now you are asking yourself “Self, how do I take care of this beautiful kayak?” Try to keep it indoors or covered if possible (direct sunlight will bleach colors and material, seats get … Read more


What Should I Wear and Not Wear When Kayaking?

Reading Time: 5 minutes What to wear when kayaking is a great question.  Wear comfortable, light-weight clothing that won’t suddenly weigh you down should you end up in the water. Shorts, t-shirts, and sandals are excellent kayaking clothes. Don’t forget your life jacket and a safety whistle! A good hat for shade is nice too. Bug spray repellant won’t … Read more


5 Things You MUST HAVE to Start Kayaking Safely

Reading Time: 5 minutes Regardless of what led you to this article or what piqued your interest in kayaking, one of the first questions you’re going to ask yourself is: “What do I need to start kayaking?” a kayak (well, duh) kayak paddles (trust me, they help) personal safety flotation device (not optional) a safety whistle (who doesn’t love … Read more