how to paint your kayak by yourself

How to Paint a Kayak by Yourself

Reading Time: 2 minutesPaint a kayak is an exciting project if you enjoy painting and have woodworking skills. If you are not familiar with woodworking, painting a kayak might seem like a daunting task. This article will show you how to paint a kayak by yourself using conventional and modern techniques. By the end of this project, you … Read more

how much to rent a kayak

How Much to Rent a Kayak?

Reading Time: 4 minutesWhen planning a vacation, the last thing you want to worry about is wrestling your new kayak out of the trunk of your car and into the water. So you ask yourself, how much is it to just rent a kayak at my destination? But with so many options available, how do you know which … Read more

how to store a kayak in a garage

How to Store a Kayak in a Garage

Reading Time: 5 minutesWinter is coming, which means one thing: the weather is starting to get colder! While you may love spending your time outside, it can be tough to keep your kayak inside when the weather starts to cool down. What should you do if you don’t have room for your kayak outside? Many people store their … Read more

how to kayak with a child

How to Kayak with a Child

Reading Time: 4 minutesDo you ever get the feeling that kayaking with a child is a lot more work than it needs to be? It seems like they are constantly getting in your way and are not very good at remaining seated. But if you take the time to teach them how to kayak the right way, they … Read more

how fast is a kayak

How Fast is a Kayak?

Reading Time: 4 minutesHiking or kayaking is a great way to stay active and enjoy the outdoors, but some people fear getting out on the water. How fast is a kayak might be an initial question? There are SO many kayak choices, so it can be hard to decide which one is right for you. How fast is … Read more

how stable is a kayak

How Stable is a Kayak

Reading Time: 4 minutesIf you’re concerned about how stable is a kayak, then you might want to consider opting for a model that is made out of plastic. While wood or aluminum models are usually more stable, they tend to be less agile. If you’re just starting out and aren’t yet sure what kind of kayak is right … Read more

Tips on Buying a Kayak

Tips on Buying a Kayak |

Reading Time: 4 minutesWhat Are Tips on Buying a Kayak? What are tips on buying a kayak? With dozens of kayak rental companies out there and even more retail stores, it can be difficult to find the right kayak for you. So, to answer the question “what are tips on buying a kayak” it is best to first … Read more

FAQs on Kayaking for Beginners

Top 20 FAQs on Kayaking for Beginners | Kayak-101

Reading Time: 5 minutesI’ve written over 20 articles about my joy of kayaking now but haven’t really written and FAQs on kayaking for beginners. I’m getting good reviews and also a lot of questions. Now that the kayaking season is slowing down, I thought I would answer some of the common questions that I have seen revolving around … Read more


The 4 Best Ways to Take Care of Your Kayak

Reading Time: 6 minutesYou went kayaking with some friends and decided you like the sport. You went out and bought a nice new beautiful kayak. Now you are asking yourself “Self, how do I take care of this beautiful kayak?” Try to keep it indoors or covered if possible (direct sunlight will bleach colors and material, seats get … Read more