Mac versus PC? The same decision relates to Kayak versus Canoe. There is a personal preference that comes in to play. But I would argue that there are a lot of reasons to choose a kayak over a canoe.
I do own both. In fact, I own four kayaks and one canoe. I have used all of them over the past few years.
13 Superior Qualities of a Kayak versus a Canoe
- Kayaks are much easier to carry. I can carry mine with one hand.
- Kayaks tend to be much more aesthetically pleasing. Mine has several bright colors.
- Kayaks are easier to propel through the water. The paddle has two blades versus one.
- Kayaks keep the paddler drier because the hull is enclosed.
- Kayaks don’t take on the water nearly as much a canoe does. A little but not nearly as much.
- Kayaks are easier to navigate by a solo paddler. Most canoes are designed for multiple paddlers.
- Kayaks can keep your gear drier thanks to sub-compartments. Canoes are wide open.
- Kayaks can be made out of tough, durable plastic…not fiberglass. Fixing is much easier.
- Traveling with a kayak tends to be easier (both lifting and placing on the vehicle).
- Kayaks having covered hulls means endless possibilities for add-ons and attachments.
- Kayaks can be equipped with pedals for self-propelling. Ever see a canoe do that?
- Kayaks can be rolled and controlled for adventure. Don’t even think about rolling a canoe.
- Kayaks can be purchased cheaper. Mine was $250 brand new. No such luck with a canoe.

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against the canoe. Like I said, I own a big orange one. But I can say that I have had a lot more fun paddling around in my Swifty Perception kayaks for sure.
I take them out at least once a month in the summer months.
Where the canoe really shines in my opinion, which is all this piece is… an opinion, is in nostalgia. I have seen some really cool handmade canoes that are superior in quality to kayaks in many ways.
I just read an article this morning about three guys about to head out on a paddle trip. Each is going in their own custom made canoe.

The ability to craft and create your own water vessel is truly amazing and unique to me. I have seen them on public display in museums and in restaurants.
Their beauty is unmatched when it comes to handcrafted wood boats.
Kayaks, on the other hand, tend to be plastic. Plastic makes for quick production thanks to mold injection templates. Factories can crank them out by the hundreds with little intervention.
This helps keep the cost of entry into the hobby affordable for someone on a tight budget like me.
I will keep the canoe around for future use. It sort of has its own nostalgia for me given that it is colored orange…just like my jeep.
I can’t see hoisting that thing on top of the CJ7 but eventually, I’ll have a trailer again and will be able to load all our stuff onto that for trips to the river.
If you are trying to decide which vessel is right for you, why not rent one of each? Take them out for a spin and see what you think. Post your results in the comment section below and share your thoughts.
Keep Paddlin’