
Do You Need to Register a Kayak in Ohio? 

Reading Time: 3 minutes Do You Need to Register a Kayak in Ohio?   “Do I need to register a kayak in Ohio?” is a common question on this kayaking website. So in this article, we will help you find the answer. So you want to go kayaking in Ohio? There are some basic things you might start to ask … Read more


Register a Kayak in Minnesota – Do You Need To?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Do You Need to Register a Kayak in Minnesota? Kayaking is one of the most exciting activities you can do in Minnesota. But before you take your kayak to the waters, you need to familiarize yourself with the legal paper works to operate a watercraft. You do not want your water adventure to go wrong, … Read more

The Most Effective Bug Spray For Kayaking

Reading Time: 8 minutes     The Most Effective Bug Spray For Kayaking. Dealing with insects is an unfortunate part when going on a trip, and this is one of the most concerned factors which raises a lot of questions amongst the kayaking community. If you have already experienced a bug-infested trip, you know exactly how important this subject … Read more

Kayak Fishing with your Dog

Kayak Fishing with Your Dog – 15 Helpful Tips

Reading Time: 7 minutes   Kayaking Fishing with Your Dog – 15 Helpful Tips. Is there an animal like a dog? Witty, playful, intelligent and fiercely loyal. They possess all these virtues that are lacking in some humans in today’s world. It is no wonder that these canine babies have been man’s companion since the dawn of time. As … Read more


Beginner’s Guide to Kayaking Rash Guards

Reading Time: 8 minutes Beginner’s Guide to Kayaking Rash Guards. Kayaking is a popular paddle sport that can be enjoyed by anyone regardless of age or gender. It’s pretty straightforward, and you don’t have to go through extensive training to start kayaking. However, if you’re just starting out, make sure that you adhere to the safety rules and regulations, … Read more

What to Look for When Buying a Kayak

Beginner’s Guide: How to Transport a Kayak

Reading Time: 8 minutes The Ins and Outs of Transporting a Kayak. In an idyllic world,  you live on the beach or in a secluded area near a gorgeous body of water. My dream is to live in Fiji.  You load your gear; get someone to help you get the kayak onto the water, and you paddle off towards … Read more

Kayak-101 rules and etiquette

Kayak 101 – Basic Rules and Etiquette

Reading Time: 9 minutes Kayak 101 – Basic Rules and Etiquette. Kayaking has become a sought after sports activity for many people today. If you own a kayak, you may already be familiar with the basic rules and etiquette which are essential for every kayaker. Maybe not. Let us learn more about it in this article. What is the … Read more

kayak anchor systems

Kayak Anchor System for Beginners |

Reading Time: 10 minutes How do you find the right kayak anchor system for beginners? The best kayak anchor system is one which has enough weight to hold down the kayak without adding bulk or weighing it down. It should also have the right size to grab at the bottom of the substrate but be compact and fit easily … Read more


13 Reasons Kayaks are Better Than Canoes

Reading Time: 3 minutes Mac versus PC? The same decision relates to Kayak versus Canoe. There is a personal preference that comes in to play. But I would argue that there are a lot of reasons to choose a kayak over a canoe. I do own both. In fact, I own four kayaks and one canoe. I have used … Read more


12 Tips on How to Keep Kayaking Fun for Kids

Reading Time: 5 minutes Taking the whole family kayaking is more fun than you can imagine. But how do you keep it fun for the younger kids who might not be able to keep up?  Here’s what I have done for my children. How to Keep Kayaking Fun for Kids depending on age, kayak type will play a big … Read more