How to Kayak Pictured Rocks

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Do you want to kayak the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore?

If you do, you will need to be proficient in canoeing and kayaking.

This is because Pictured Rocks are composed of very tall and rugged cliffs.

Kayakers need to be able to navigate these cliffs using their skill with both canoes and kayaks.

There are numerous routes to explore, so choosing the right one is essential.

In this article, we will go over all the details of how to kayak Pictured Rocks, including the different types of boats that are necessary, advice on what to bring and how to prepare, tips on how to get started, and much more!

Where To Go Kayaking In Pictured Rocks

There are many great places to go kayaking in Pictured Rocks, but the best place to start is at Munising Falls.

Munising Falls is located in the middle of Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore and is one of the most popular kayaking destinations in the area.

The falls are a beautiful sight, and there are also plenty of other things to see and do in the area.

If you’re looking for a more challenging kayaking experience, you can try paddling out to Grand Island East Channel Lighthouse.

This trip will take you through some waves and strong currents, but it’s well worth it for the fantastic views of the lighthouse and Lake Superior.

For a truly unique kayaking experience, head to Miners Castle Rock.

This rock formation is one of the most photographed spots in Pictured Rocks, and it’s easy to see why from the water.

You can paddle right up to the base of the rock and get a close-up look at this impressive natural wonder.

The Best Time Of Year To Go Kayaking In Pictured Rocks

The best time of year to kayak in Pictured Rocks is during the summer. The water is warm, and the weather is perfect for spending a day on the water.

There are also many different kayaking trails to explore, so you can find one that suits your skill level.

If you’re looking for a challenge, you can try kayaking through the rapids. But if you’re just looking to enjoy a leisurely paddle, there are plenty of calm areas to explore.

Either way, you will have a fantastic time kayaking in Pictured Rocks.

What To Bring On Your Kayaking Trip

When going on a kayaking trip, it is crucial to bring the proper equipment and supplies to have a safe and enjoyable experience.

First and foremost, you will need a kayak. Kayaks come in all different shapes and sizes, so it is vital to choose one best suited for your individual needs.

For example, if you plan on doing a lot of fishing while on your trip, you will want to choose a kayak with plenty of storage space for all your gear.

In addition to a kayak, you will also need a paddle.

Again, there are many different types of paddles to choose from, so it is essential to select one that is comfortable for you to use. You will also want to ensure that your paddle is the proper size for your kayak.

Finally, you will need to pack essential supplies such as food, water, sunscreen, insect repellent, and a first aid kit.

It is always better to be prepared for any eventuality while on the water.

By following these simple tips, you can be sure you have everything you need for a safe and enjoyable kayaking trip.

How To Paddle

Assuming you are in a kayak, there are two ways to paddle: with a double-bladed or single-bladed paddle.

If you have a double-bladed paddle, then you will hold the paddle in the middle and use both arms to stroke through the water.

If you have a single-bladed paddle, you will hold the paddle on one side of the kayak and use that arm to stroke through the water while keeping the other at your side.

To move forward in your kayak:

  1. Dip the blade of your paddle into the water and pull it towards you.
  2. As you do this, keep your arms straight and your back upright.
  3. Remember to alternate sides so that you are paddling evenly on both sides. You can add a bit of a twist to your strokes for more power.

If you want to turn your kayak, you can only do so by paddling on one side. For example, if you turn to the left, you would only paddle on the left side.

The key is to keep your strokes short of making quick turns. You can also use your body weight to help steer the kayak in the direction you want.

How To Stay Safe While Kayaking

Kayaking is a great way to enjoy the outdoors, but staying safe while you’re on the water is essential. Here are some tips to help you stay safe while kayaking:

Wear a life jacket. This is the most important thing you can do to stay safe while kayaking. Make sure your life jacket fits properly, and you know how to use it.

Be aware of your surroundings. Know the weather conditions and be mindful of any potential hazards in your kayaking area.

Don’t go alone. It’s always best to paddle with someone else in an emergency.

Know your limits. Don’t push yourself beyond your comfort level or skill level. If you’re not comfortable paddling in rough water, stick to calmer waters.

Follow the rules of the road. Kayaks are considered vessels and must follow the same rules as boats when out on the water.

What To Do If You Tip Over

If you tip over in your kayak, don’t panic! Here are a few things you can do to get yourself back to safety:

1. If you can, get back into your kayak. This may be difficult if it is overturned, but if you can manage it, getting back into your kayak will be the best way to get back to shore.

2. If you cannot get back into your kayak, try to swim to shore. Keep your head above water and move your arms and legs in a swimming motion.

3. If you can still not reach shore, signal for help. You can do this by waving your arms or using a whistle if you have one.

4. Once you are back on shore, assess any injuries and call for medical help if necessary. Then, take a moment to rest and relax before getting back into your kayak!

If you’re thinking about going kayaking at Pictured Rocks, there are a few things you should know!

First and foremost, always check the weather conditions before heading out. If it’s been raining recently, the water level will be higher than usual, and the current will be stronger.

It’s also essential to wear proper clothing and footwear – no flip-flops or Crocs!

A good pair of waterproof shoes with a good grip will help you stay safe on slippery rocks.

Next, going with a friend or two is always a good idea.

Not only is it more fun, but it’s also safer in case one of you gets into trouble. Ensure you have all the necessary equipment, including life jackets, paddles, and a first aid kit.

And finally, listen to the ranger’s safety briefing before getting on the water – they know what they’re talking about!

With these tips in mind, you will have a great time kayaking at Pictured Rocks!


Kayaking Pictured Rocks is a great way to see the area’s beauty up close.

Be prepared before you go so you know how to paddle and stay safe while on the water.

Be sure to bring the proper gear and clothing, and follow the guidelines for safety.

If you tip over, remain calm and follow the instructions for getting back into your kayak.

With some preparation, kayaking can be an excellent experience for everyone.